REAL PATIENTS, REAL RESULTS: Ultherapy™ For Non-Surgical Face & Neck Lifting, Face Contouring & Double Chin Reduction

There are a lot of claims for non-surgical face and neck lifting devices out there but only Ultherapy™ is the ONE and ONLY FDA-appoved NON-SURGICAL FACE and NECK LIFTING Treatment. Results are phenomenal and usually appreciated 2 to 3 months after just ONE (1) SESSION!
The High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Tightens the SMAS Layer, the layer of the skin that’s targeted by Plastic Surgeons to create an actual Face and Neck Lift. Thus, Ultherapy™ is an EFFECTIVE NON-SURGICAL FACE and NECK LIFTING Treatment. Aside from the Lifting Effects, the High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound of Ultherapy™ also CONTOURS THE FACE and REDUCES DOUBLE CHIN!
Want to know more about Ultherapy™? Ask our Board-Certified and Internationally-Trained Dermatologist about it. Pls call 8088140, 8869148 or 0917-9579335 or email at to schedule your appointment.