REAL PATIENTS, REAL RESULTS: VBeam Perfecta™ Laser for Post-Acne Erythema

VBeam Perfecta™ Laser is the Gold Standard for all kinds of Red Pigmentations such as Red Birthmarks (e.g. Port wine stains, Hemangiomas), Red keloids and scars, Rosacea, Active Acne and even Post-acne erythema (Red scars after acne). This laser works by producing an intense but gentle burst of light to target blood vessels deep within the skin, ultimately leading to reabsorption of the damaged skin vessels by the body. This allows the condition that the patient is seeking treatment to be diminished in appearance. The laser is virtually painless and with little to no downtime.
This patient had a bad acne breakout a few months ago which resulted in obvious Post-Acne Erythema. She tried some scar and skin lightening creams but did not help. She underwent 3 sessions of VBeam Perfecta™ Laser and her Post-Acne Erythema improved by 90%! Plus she didn’t feel any pain during the procedure and there was just some redness that went away in a few hours so there was little downtime.
Want to know more about Vbeam Perfecta™ Laser for Red Pigmentations? Ask our Board-Certified and Internationally-Trained Dermatologist about it.
Please call 88088140, 88869148 or 0917-9579335 to schedule your consultation/treatment.